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At Bookji, your safety is our top priority. We’ve designed our platform with young readers in mind, ensuring a secure and positive environment where students can explore, share, and grow their love for books. Here’s how we protect you:

Kid-friendly content

All GIFs stuents can post with are rated G by Giphy. Books are reccomended to students based on grade level and teachers have the ability hide books with innapropriate titles, etc.

Innapropriate language detectors

Bookji uses powerful innapropriate language detectors to prevent students from using language that is offensive or innapropriate.

Teacher controls & permissions

Teachers can hide and delete any post from one of their students. The platform is equipped with reporting features to allow users to report innapropriate content. Teachers can set restrictive permissions for student posting, messaging, etc. Educators can also view all messages sent between students.


We understand how important privacy is, especially when it comes to young users. Here’s what we do to protect your personal information:

Data collection & use

At Bookji, we are fully committed to adhering to all applicable laws and regulations that protect the privacy of our young users, including FERPA and COPPA.

School contained accounts

All student accounts on Bookji only exist within their own schools, prohibiting outside schools from seeing anything personal related to the students in your school.


We believe in complete transparency. Our Privacy Policy outlines exactly what information we collect, how it’s used, and how you can manage or delete your data at any time.

Digital citizenship

At Bookji, we’re not just about books; we’re about building responsible digital citizens. Here’s how we guide students to use technology safely and positively:

Reporting & blocking features

Users can easily report or block any content or interactions they find uncomfortable. Our team reviews all reports promptly to ensure a safe environment for everyone.

Encouraging positive interaction

Through our platform, we encourage users to engage positively with others, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.